Have you worked for Disney?

Yes, I worked for Walt Disney Productions in their London office when I first left school in the 1970s. I couldn’t believe my luck and was a bit star struck with it all. Even though I only worked there for a few months I still received a Christmas card from USA. Great times.

Have you ever spoken in front of an audience?

As a party-plan agent in the 1980s I learnt to get over the first few seconds of panic when looking at a room full of people I didn’t know and to ‘just do it’ and get on with the talking using techniques taught by the organizers. That stood me in good stead when years later I was asked to give lectures on journalism at EMDI university in Dubai. It came in even more handy when I agreed to read one of my stories in a Midlands library to pre-school children in the Wriggly Worms Reading Club a few years ago.

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